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FTT Rejects Publishing Company's R&D Claim

Companies engaged in projects that qualify as research and development (R&D) can claim...

Changes to Tipping Laws Delayed Until October

The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 , which amends the Employment Rights Act 1996 , was...

Tenants Succeed in Rent Repayment Application

Tenants of poorly maintained properties are not powerless and have the ability to apply for rent...

Inheritance Disputes - Costs Risks Can Be Reduced

Arguments about what someone promised before their death can lead to significant legal costs....

Share Rounding Error Does Not Prevent CGT Relief

There are often very specific rules that must be complied with in order to claim tax reliefs, but...

Equal Pay Claims - EAT Reconsiders Material Factor Defence

An employer will be able to defeat an equal pay claim under the Equality Act 2010 if it can show...
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