A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme

A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme

On the 12 January 2024 it was announced that the Development Consent Order planning application for the widening of the A12 has been granted.

The scheme will see the A12 widened from a four lane carriageway to a six lane carriageway (three lanes in each direction), and will include construction of two major bypasses at Rivenhall End and to the north of Kelvedon, in an attempt to divert heavy goods vehicles from smaller roads and local villages and provide greater access to public transport.

Aside from the carriageway, separate routes will be created for members of the public who are keen walkers, cyclists and even horse riders in the hopes that this will minimise the use of motor vehicles and ultimately better preserve surrounding natural habitats to ensure a greater amount of biodiversity in our region.

It is accepted that not all of us are able to use public transport on our morning commutes, therefore although the scheme is designed to provide greater access to this, it is planned to save commuters time and thereby reduce congestion which is responsible for environmental pollution. In particular, it could save commuters as much as 1.5 hours travelling during the working week if they travel daily between junctions 19 and 25.

Subject to Judicial Review, the Development Consent Order is due to come into force on the 9 February 2024.

As part of the scheme, affected landowners will receive Compulsory Purchase Orders and an accompanying compensation package.

If you have been affected by a Compulsory Purchase Order, we have an experienced team of solicitors who can assist you not only in relation to this, but can also offer advice on the compensation you are entitled to and be by your side every step of the way moving forward.

Contact Simon Fothergill or Emma Stobirski today.

For more information on the scheme, please click here https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-roads/east/a12-chelmsford-to-a120-widening-scheme/